Wednesday, August 30, 2006

What about Bob? Just kidding! LOL!

I believe all of you know that I went through an emotionally painful marriage, then a divorce earlier this year. I was happy with my decision to file for divorce, and happy with the changes I made in my life. Even though I was happy with how my life was going, I could not help but be lonely and want companionship. The only guy that I hung out with was "just friends", and was not interested in me the way that I was interested in him. That was ok with me.

I decided to subscribe to I had no idea why I was even bothering. I had subscribed to yahoo personals a couple of months ago, and I did not even get one response to any of my emails. I gave up after 3 days of being ignored by those I sent emails to. I decided to try to keep an open mind and invite love into my life. The first couple of days on went really bad. It was the same thing as yahoo personals all over again. It made me feel horrible about myself, and that I would be alone for the rest of my life. I came across a profile for this guy who was older than I am, but seemed nice from his profile. He really impressed me when he mentioned that he liked to leave notes for the woman he cared about for no reason. I decided to take a chance and email this guy. What is the worst that could happen? That I would get ignored again? No biggie. That's how I met Bob.

Well, Bob emailed me back pretty quickly. After a couple of emails back and forth, I decided that I would like to talk with him over the phone so I gave him my phone number. We talked for almost 2 hours, and I felt a great connection with him. I was frustrated since the pics that he had provided weren't the best for telling what his face looked like, but I didn't mind. He was so nice, and sweet. After a day or two of days of many emails back and forth, we decided to meet. I was very excited to meet him finally, since he seemed very sweet. He even had dropped off flowers and a card at my house for me while I was at work before we met.

We met in the parking lot at the True Value in Bucksport, since I knew that the parking lot wouldn't be crowded. I figure that we would go from there to do something else. We stayed standing in the parking lot for over 2 hours. I was very surprised how sweet and caring he was, and that he wanted to do things to make me happy. He had read my blog, and all the bad things I had said about myself, yet he still kept telling me how wonderful and beautiful I was. He wasn't scared off by my messy car. He wasn't even dissapointed when he saw me and realized that I don't necessarily look like the pics that he had seen of me. He really believed that I was beautiful! Plus, the man brought me Chocolate! Not just any chocolate, but the best chocolate known to man - DOVE Promises!

Over the last week I have had the privaledge to get to know Bob. I love talking with him, I love being with him, and I love that he does things to make me happy. For example, he was at my house, and I was doing dishes. He stood behind me and rubbed my shoulders and talked with me while I was washing dishes. It wasn't an earth shattering thing to do, but it meant a lot to me that he wanted to be with me enough to be with me while I was washing dishes! He met my parents, and really seemed to hit it off with my step father. He has met my son, Azize, and has really seemed to hit it off with him too. He was over to visit last night, and spent over 45 minutes or so playing with Azize with toys while I was busy in the kitchen. Azize even started calling him "Daddy", and we kept saying "No, Honey, This is Bob." We all had a lot of fun.

I only just met this man, but we have talked in depth of what we are looking for and how we feel. We have decided that we would like to get to know each other better, and try and make this work between us. We both announced at about the same time that we aren't looking for anyone else, that we want to be together and see where this goes, and that we are in a relationship. I'm not trying to rush anything, and plan on enjoying spending time with this man. He is someone that deserves to be cared for and taken care of. He wants to take care of me, and loves that I want to take care of him.

So - Back off ladies, this guy is Mine!
