Tuesday, August 08, 2006

That a**hole!

I got a message from my ex husband last night that he may come up to see Azize soon since his girlfriend wants to see him. I am livid, since he has shown absolutely NO interest in his son up until now. Suddenly he wants to pretend that he is a great father to impress some woman he recently started screwing? I don't think so. I fired back a message to him that he is welcome to come, but she is not welcome anywhere near my son, so not to bring her. I am sticking to my guns. He must have just met this woman, since I talked with him a couple of weeks ago and he said that he wasn't seeing anyone. We had an agreement that we wouldn't date until our divorce was final, and that's only been a month at the most. My point is, he can't know too much about her yet. I think he's thinking with his dick and not with his brain, but does that surprise me? NO! We are divorced, so he can do what he pleases, but NOT AROUND MY SON!! I made a decision that if she comes anywhere near my son, she will be asked to leave, and if she doesn't, I'm calling the cops! I am not going to stop my ex from seeing his son, but it has to be when I'm there, he can't take him off by himself, and she's not going to be around my son. I am just so mad that he's pretending to be a dad just to impress some slut!! Not around MY SON!!
