Thursday, July 27, 2006

Mmmm, bread.

I was ambitious last night, and made a batch of bread. I don't know why I had it in my head that I wanted to bake bread (I'm a poet and don't know it! LOL!), but I did. I started at about 7:00pm, and the bread was done baking by around 11:30pm. It turned out really well, except that I have to practice forming the loaves. They look kinda weird! They tasted great, so that's all that matters! I was able to get a lot of homework done while I was waiting for the bread to rise and bake, so that's great. This is the last week in my two classes, and I have two final exams due by Sunday, and a quiz due today. It's crunch time!

I'm going to be even more ambitious tonight. I have berries, and plan on making a fresh fruit pie. Since I don't start in my homework until after my son goes to bed, I should still be pretty good to get my homework in today. I think that I'm starting to get the classes thing down, and I've been doing it for 2 months already! YIKES! It could be worse! I could never get the hang of it! I'm enjoying the class work pretty well, and it's usually not too stressful. It's not nearly as bad as I thought it would before I started in on the classes. Two classes down, how many more to go?!?

I may try making bread again this weekend. I had a lot of fun, and really want to get the forming dough thing down pat! The recipe that I made was from the Pie in the Sky restaurant that was in my hometown, and I worked there for 3 1/2 years until they closed 10 years ago. Eating the bread brings a lot of memories back!! I should try some of the other food that I used to make at the PITS. I haven't had any of it for 10 years, and it's about high time I did!!

I off- Back to work for me. NOT FUN, but it pays most of the bills.
