Friday, July 07, 2006

Finally Divorced!!!

I finally got the final divorce decree in the mail yesterday. According to the magistrate, we should consider the divorce final once we receive this in the mail. I feel relieved that this process is finally over, but I feel strange about it too. I have been single, and have been married, but never divorced. In my opinion, the label divorced signals that you are a failure, or a defective/damaged person who could not do something a simple as be married. What if you are out on a date, and you are asked if you've ever been married. You say, "Why Yes, I'm divorced". Isn't that a red flag? "Warning: This person is damaged goods. " It's like red alert on Star Trek. The lights go to red, and sirens sound. LOL. I guess that should be tattooed on my forehead. I'll never be single again, and forever be branded "Divorced". I guess it's a good sign that I'm not that upset about the ending of my marriage, but more upset about my marital status. It could be worse. I was the one that filed for divorced, so it wasn't unexpected. The divorce was a long time coming. I am getting pretty lonely, though. I expected it. I had never lived alone before this. Well, technically I live with my son, but that's not quite the same as living with another adult. My friends and family are trying very hard at keeping me busy and get me out of the house. It is helping, but I am still feeling the effects. I'm not going to jump into a relationship with the first guy that comes along. However, it would be nice to have that new love feeling again. It's been a LONG time since I felt that!



Anonymous said...

I wouldn't worry too much about the divorced label. With 60% of marriages ending that way, there are a lot of kind, well-adjusted, smart people in the same boat.

A failed marriage isn't who you are- it's just something you did. We learn from our mistakes and move on once our head and heart have let go of whatever guilt and pain we impose on ourselves.

Keep your chin up. I may not be the authority on relationships, but I've learned not to underestimate the capacity for humans to love. It always seems to come back, no matter what we do to dampen it.

Give it time.