Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Hi!! Not much new here. I've been flat on my back sick with a cold that I got from my boyfriend. I guess that it's partially my fault since he didn't feel well and wanted to go home so he wouldn't get us sick. I insisted that he stay. lol!. The worst part has been the sinus part which has given me one heck of a headache but not too bad. I stayed home from work on Monday and Tuesday. Azize didn't want to go to day care today since he'd been home with Mama every day since Saturday.

I ran out of heating oil yesterday, and of course it was a day before I get paid so I had no money. I was able to talk my oil company into coming out and delivering some oil so now I have heat. I had to give them a check which they said they'd hold until today (no biggie) when I get paid. I'm even on a payment plan for my old balance, so that's good.

I've made the decision to take money out of my retirement account to help pay for some of the bills. I'm getting behind on the bills, and I really don't see another choice. I think this will help quite a bit with my stress, and if I can get some of the smaller bills paid and my credit cards paid down it might help my situation quite a bit overall. It'll be about a week until I get the check, but I'm looking forward to getting it.

I have been considering renting a booth with my boyfriend at an antiques type shop here. The owner is friends with my boyfriend, and the booths wouldn't be that expensive each month. He wants to rent one to sell some of the things he has purchased at auctions. I offered to split the cost with him and put it under my name. Now I am excited, since I've been to the auctions and you can get some really nice items at very low prices. My mom and I have some dishes that we bought when a shop was going out of business here with the idea of reselling. We haven't decided yet, but I like the idea.
