Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Money, Rant and Stuff :o(

I'm so sick of not having enough money. The more I think about it, the more I want to yell at my damn ex-husband. I still haven't gotten any child support, which is really taking a toll on me. I am under so much stress trying to figure out how to pay all of the bills, buy groceries and gas, not to mention all of the bill collectors calling me because I just didn't have enough money to pay everyone. It would be so much easier to bear if I knew that he was actively looking for a job. Well, he is sitting in Morocco with his parents NOT looking for a JOB. He is on VACATION and not looking for a job while I am scraping enough money to buy the bare essentials for groceries, gas, and bills. Granted his parents purchased the ticket, but he is sitting on his ass doing nothing!!! I just want to scream!! He has been out of work since the middle of November, and he could have easily found work at a store or something until he found something better, but No!! Grrrr!!

On a better note, things with David are going really well. It will be 1 month tomorrow since our first date, more than that since we started talking. I feel like I've known him for a long time, with the benefit that we still have that new relationship high feeling. I'm so comfortable with him, and I believe that he is comfortable with me. He is great with Azize, and he is more than wonderful to me. It's amazing how well we're getting along and how much we like each other even this early on. He's everything that I was looking for and not finding. It's not very often that the person you were looking for contacts you and thinks that you are awesome and wants to be with you!
