Thursday, January 25, 2007

Back to School and other stuff

I am excited and nervous! I have put myself back into classes! I took myself out of classes in November, and now it is the end of January. I hope that I'll be able to do it and not crack. I start on Monday, which isn't even much time to get used to the idea.

Azize is almost potty trained, thanks to my mother! When he is at her house he will go to the potty by himself, and he even flushes the toilet. Who knows if he will do the same thing at my house. He never wants to sit on the potty at home, but when we are at my Mom's or at Day Care he will. Who knows why. I'm just very happy!! I've been trying to get him to this point for the last year or so with no luck. I guess he wasn't ready. Now he loves to wear his undies but hates to be messy. I guess I can't blame him!!

I'm still sick. It's down to just a constant sinus pressure with post nasal drip and cough. I'm praying that this doesn't turn into a sinus infection, but I seem to be highly prone to them. It's been two weeks, so I think that it's probably already there. :o( I hate this time of year, and I hate being sick!!

I have been down lately and I'm not exactly sure why. Things are going very well with David! I have absolutely no complaints there! He is wonderful!! He treats both me and Azize very well. I'm trying not to let my past experiences influence this relationship, but every so often the past creeps in and I start crying. David has been so understanding when that happens, and has just been there for me until it goes away. What can I say, I think he's great!
