Monday, January 01, 2007

Train Wreck

I have been an emotional wreck for the last couple of days. There is no one cause behind it. For the last two nights I have actually broken down crying for almost no reason. I just started my period, so I know that is part of the culprit. I usually go to tears over every little thing at that time of the month. I have been also under a lot of stress at work, and about money (especially money as bills are piling up with no end in sight!).

The last two nights I have cried to David. Even though I didn't mean it that way, it hurt him and made him feel that he had done something wrong. The thought that I might have made him feel bad makes me feel terrible. I care about him so much that it hurts me to think that I have caused him even the slightest pain or sadness. In reality, the reasons behind my tears had nothing to do with him or anything he had done. He is so sweet, caring, and kind. I'm so lucky that he found me, and that I was able to see him for the wonderful man that he is. I have no complaints about him at all!
