Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Oy Vay! I need a drink! LOL!

My morning is not going very well. Two women in my office took it upon themselves to hold an "intervention" of sorts, telling me that I need to dump my boyfriend because he is being controlling and because he is depressed. Not only have the never even met him, they are basing this on listening in to my half of a phone call I had at my desk with him on my lunch break yesterday. They know NOTHING about him, but they insinuated that being around him will cause me to be a bad mother. They didn't come out and say it, but that is the message I got loud and clear. NOONE calls me a bad mother!!! I may be a lot of things, but I am a GREAT mother!!

I did have some good news though. My monthly mortgage payment is actually going to go down about $50 because of changes in my escrowed taxes and insurance. Plus, my weekly paycheck has increased because I got a recent raise and changes in my tax withholdings. I have been having a lot of trouble lately paying the bills because I haven't gotten anything from my deadbeat ex-husband since the beginning of November. Plus, my mom has agreed to watch Azize on Thursdays and every other Friday from now until the end of March. That will save some on day care, so I may be able to get through the winter months and maybe actually pay the bills. LOL!
