Monday, May 07, 2007

A sheep in the wolf's lair?

I literally feel like I'm going crazy, or like I'm about to sell my soul to the devil. Ok, maybe I'm being melodramatic. I'm setting myself up for a big fall again. I'm single again. I have no idea what it is, maybe a side effect from one of my new meds, but my libido has sky rocketed. I'm uncomfortable to say the least. Not only that, but I'm craving touch, and to be held, kissed, etc.

I've been talking with an ex. I won't name any names, but this certain ex broke my heart into a million pieces last fall. We've been friends again for a month or two now, and since my last relationship ended, our conversations have turned in another direction. I have recently asked this person to make love to me. I'm not at all scared of this person, or the act, and I made it clear that I was just after the sex and being near another person. But what happens if we do it, and it awakens all of those feelings I had for this person that it took me so long to surpress? (I'm still gonna do it though! LOL!)
