Tuesday, February 27, 2007


I feel like I've been disconnected from everyone lately. I have not had any time to breathe let alone do everything that I need to get done. I've also been sick, so I'm behind on everything. I've spend all of my free time just trying to catch up on school work, house work, etc.

I feel like I never have any time to spend with my friends and family. As a result I've been feeling lonely. Things are going well with David, and I enjoy spending time with him. He comes over at least once a week, if not twice so that helps. I did have David, my Mom, and my brother's family over for a visit to my house this weekend, and that helps too. I still feel alone now. I know that it's all my doing, and that I could get out there and make time to visit with my friends!!

I did have help around the house this weekend. David helped me to clean up the house, and get it ready for my family to come. It's nice that the house is less messy. It won't last long, as Azize drags toys everywhere and the house is already getting messier again. Mom did help out a lot with folding laundry, helping fix the food, helped to paint a toddler bed, and doing dishes! I feel bad when she helps, but it's nice to have the help. David also helped by sanding the toddler bed for Azize, and doing most of the first coat of paint. It's so nice to have such wonderful loved ones!!!
