Thursday, January 08, 2009

It's a Boy!!

Justin and I recently went through the process of getting a greyhound through the Maine Greyhound Placement in Augusta, Maine. Greyhounds were the first type of dog that we had talked about that we both agreed on. I have been around greyhounds because my best friend, Leslie has had two. In my opinion, Greyhounds are the sweetest, most gentle creatures, so I was excited to get one.

First we did a phone "interview" with Mary. Justin talked for 45 minutes before we would even were able to set up a time to come down. We had to take all three of my cats to the vet to get updated on their shots, which was an adventure. I could not find my cat carriers, so we found one in the basement that was a larger carrier that we put all three cats into. Whitey went to the bathroom in the crate and all three were covered in it by the time we got to the vet.

We looked at the listings of greyhounds on Of course, we loved all of them, so it was hard to choose. Mac's Warrick caught our eye, so of course wanted to see him. I think Justin actually had his heart set on Warrick, but we both went into this with an open mind and open heart.

Then it came time to go down to the placement. We were excited, nervous, and anxious as we drove down. When we got there we watched a video about caring for the greyhounds, which I had seen before when I went with Leslie but it was a nice refresher. We listened to Scott's advice about greyhounds, and then came time to walk doggies. First, we saw Walter. He was a sweetie, but he was very rambunctious and pulled very heavily on the leash. Then we saw Warrick, who seemed very indifferent and quiet. We weren't sure. We ended up seeing three more dogs, not counting Stan, the cute dog that Scott brought out, but did not make it past the test cat without trying to get him. Since we have three cats, he wasn't the one for us.

We were there for three hours, and had not found the dog for us yet. We asked to see Warrick again. When I came back from next door where we went to the bathroom, Warrick met me at the door with a kiss. I was sold. We ended up bringing him home.

When we got him home, we gave him the toys that we had bought him. He loved the Santa plushie toy the best, and it still seems to be his favorite. The first night was hard, since he woke up a few times during the night.