Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Hi! I haven't updated in awhile, so I wanted to let everyone know what's going on. I've been going through a lot lately, so I've been pretty quiet. I feel like I've got too much going on, and a lot of changes have been made.

First, David and I broke up awhile ago. I can't say that I'm shocked, but I was surprised. It seemed to come out of the blue for me. We did do the on again-off again thing a couple of times. Lately it just hadn't been going very well, but it still was a surprise. I miss him and still care about him, but hopefully he'll be happier this way. The worst part of it was that the day (less than 24 hours) after we broke up, I went up to see him and walked in on him chatting with another woman. That made me feel upset and disposable, and that I didn't matter to him or that I wasted the last 7 months. I still don't know how I feel about all of this. I keep going between depressed, confused, angry, and there are times it doesn't seem to bother me.

I have taken myself out of classes and told them that I would not be returning. I don't have enough time, energy or sanity left to do everything. Something had to give. In this case, it was either have a break down or withdraw from school. I guess I made the best choice. Maybe I'll go back again in the fall to a local school, but at this point I'm not sure. I just don't have enough time for myself or for Azize.

Money has been a huge issue for me lately. I seem to have more bills than money. I'm so frustrated lately, since I am paying all of my money to bills, and I'm still falling way behind. Things are normally ok, but I got behind awhile ago and I'm just falling further behind. It is causing me so much stress, and even thinking of money makes me want to cry and then kick my ex for not paying the amount of child support that I was awarded. I don't know what to do.

On a positive note, I don't think I mentioned that I've made a new friend. Holly is very cool, and I've really enjoyed talking with her and spending time with her. Not to mention, she got me hooked on World of Warcraft, so I'm spending a lot of time lately playing that. It's one of the only stress relievers I have right now, so I feel better after I play. Anyway, Holly is awesome!

I think that sums up most of what's going on. That's what I want to share, anyway. lol!
