Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Less Stress?

I am finally finished this set of classes that I have been struggling through. One class was fine, and the other class was torture. I am crossing my fingers hoping that I passed that class. I think I did alright on the final project, so I might actually pass. That really doesn't mean all that much since the teacher seems to take pleasure in tearing apart everything that I submit, so I might end up taking her class over again. I'm on a new block of classes, and I am under less stress that way. I actually didn't have to do homework last night, and I enjoyed a quiet evening watching TV in bed until I went decided to go to bed at a reasonable hour (10:30pm instead of the usual 12:30am).

Overall, I feel less stressed. I still am under quite a bit of stress at work and that won't change until late this fall. It will be busy for some time, but at least I feel like I'm making progress at work now. That really helps.

I have a plumber coming on Thursday morning to replace my hot water heater. All I have to do is be there and have a check handy. I'm so looking forward to having hot water again. I've been without it for almost 2 weeks now, and it's really getting OLD! At least I have the money to have the work done! I'm thankful for that!! Hopefully there will be no more heating water on the stove to do dishes, wash the floor, or take a bath in an inch and a half of luke warm water. LOL!

I am feeling a little up in the air about my relationship with Bob. We had a bit of drama this past weekend where we almost broke up. He is facing the possibility of having to make big changes in his life because of what's going on at work, and the possibility that he may have to move away from the area. Plus, there is the issue of not having much time for a relationship since he is working so many crazy hours - 7 days a week and at least 12 hours a day for at least the past month. We talked, I cried and cried, and we finally made the decision to stay together. I'm very happy that we came to this decision, and that we are going to try to work this out. I love him very much and I don't want to lose him. I still feel like I'm walking on eggshells though. What if he decides that he still wants to break up in a week, month, or so? What if I do something that will trigger him wanting to be out of a relationship? I'll deal with whatever may come my way. I guess I can't think about that, and focus on the present.

I am planning on a surprise for Bob though. I won't give details, since he often reads my blog and I don't want to give it away. I haven't actually started it, since I'm waiting for components of the surprise that I ordered to arrive. I hope he likes it when I give it to him!! I already told him that I'm working on a surprise for him, and he has asked me what it is. I think he might be curious.

Ok, probably need to get back to work.
