Friday, June 23, 2006

Essentially Divorced

My final court date was a week ago today. It was uneventful, and lasted all of 5 minutes. My soon to be ex-husband didn't come to the hearing. The magistrate told him at our first court appearance that he didn't have to come to the second court date, so he didn't. We were told that the divorce would be final in about a week from the last court date, once we got the final paperwork in the mail it would be final. I've been watching the mailbox for the paperwork, because then it would mean that I'm finally divorced. They haven't come yet. It's a little like waiting for a package or personal letter in the mail, with the anticipation.

Being divorced sounds very scary, and the prospect of having to date again is scary too. I'm young, but it's been 4 1/2 years since I dated. I've been in a long term relationship for most of the last 10 years. Before my marriage, I was in a 4 1/2 year relationship with someone I met after I left high school. We were never married, but it was a long committed relationship. It'll be so strange to not be in a relationship, and to date again.

My son will be turning 3 in a little over a week, and that's exciting. He is such a sweet boy, and he is the highlight of my life. He has been talking about his birthday, presents, and cake. This is such a fun age! It makes me feel old to be divorced and to be a mother! Being a mother is the one thing that I feel that I am good at. It's the one thing that I love most in the world, being a mother and my son.
