Wednesday, May 06, 2009


We have been fighting for Equality since this country was founded. Sadly enough, we are still fighting. The Declaration of Independence states "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." Of course, once the declaration was adopted, it was then interpreted to mean "All White Men, but not African Americans, Women, or anyone else". We have had to fight to free slaves, women's equality and the right to vote. We have dealt with Segregation, and now we are fighting to give Same Sex couples the right to marry.

The idea of marriage equality seems to threaten the more conservative people. Maybe people that are threatened by this feel that their own marriage will be invalidated if same sex couples are allowed to marry. I don't understand this at all. People in committed relationships should be allowed the same rights by Marriage regardless of gender, or whether it is a heterosexual or homosexual couple. It's not our place to tell someone they can't get married just because they are of the same gender!!

I'm proud to be a Mainer. The Maine State Senate has just approved legalizing Same Sex Marriages by an overwhelming vote of 21-13 in favor. It just sits awaiting approval from the Govenor. Make History Govenor Baldacci! Approve it!


leslie joan linder said...

Yay! Cool post. As I'm sure you know by now, the Gov. has signed it into law but we are expecting the opposition can come up with enough petition signatures to force a referendum, which will suspend the right to marry until a popular vote. So most folks are still braced for alonger battle but we are definitely closer as a state than we have ever been. I am proud of our state as well. Working at a domestic violence project for over eight years has taught me that it isn't the gender of your partner that should matter but how you treat them and, if you have kids or pets, how you treat them. :0)