Monday, November 05, 2007


If you know me, you will know that I have not had the best luck in relationships lately. It's not meeting guys that's the problem. I have guys lining up at my proverbial door waiting to meet me. Weirdest feeling since I didn't have this kind of luck before I got married. The problem has been meeting someone that I am compatible with, and someone who is not out to take advantage of me. I've been looking for a genuinely caring, kind, compassionate person that will love me truly for who I am, not who I have or what I can do for them.

I'll admit, I'm a bit jaded after so many failed relationships. I've been hurt countless times. I was beginning to think that love didn't exist at all, but it was an illusion to aid guys in taking advantage of poor naiive saps like me. It's bait and switch. Society pounds into us that love should be like a fairytale. We're searching for that "true love" based on an illusion that doesn't exist. This is just a bit of background to show you that I am jaded. haha

I started talking with JR about a week and a half ago. He emailed me from Myspace, and I thought "What the heck, I'll talk with him". What did I have to lose, right? Well, this guy is very kind, gentle, caring, sweet, and considerate... We can talk for hours on the phone, and feel like it's only been 30 minutes. One night we had been talking for almost 3 1/2 hours, and when it came time to hang up I mentioned that I didn't want to get off the phone. He said that he didn't either. On our first date, He gave me a hug but not a kiss. When I asked him about it later, he said he didn't want to rush me. Hear that? Sound of my heart melting. lol

I've been thinking about it recently. It's been a LONG time since I've been cuddled and kissed without the guy doing it just to get laid. Never for the sake of just cuddling and kissing. It's been well over a decade. It was very nice to cuddle and kiss for hours. It made me feel very special and cared for. I'm happy.
