Monday, December 18, 2006

in a relationship

Usually, the first time you use the phrase "in a relationship" to describe yourself in a new relationship it feels nice. I didn't realize how nice these words could really be. I talked with my new guy, David tonight. He mentioned that he had updated his profile to state that he was now "in a relationship", and I had updated my profile to say this as well today. We both did this without realizing that the other person also had.

It may seem like an insignificant gesture to the average person. However, when you are dating someone it is a milestone. This is where you admit to the world that I only want the person that I am dating, and I don't want anyone else. I decided last week that I wanted to be his girlfriend. I didn't have to think about it. Gee, this guy is:

Cute, funny, sweet, caring, loving, gentle, great with my son, open minded (!!!), and wants to make me happy. He is genuine, and we have so much in common. We even have a very very similar sense of humor and personality. I couldn't ask for much more than that!!! There is one thing that I don't like about him - that he lives so far away!!! If that is the major problem, I can deal with that!!!

He did say that he has gotten emails from a few people about the change of relationship status on his profile. Hopefully they'll realized what they could have had, and missed out on. I certainly know, since I have the pleasure of being the other half of his "in a relationship", and very happy about it!!
