Thursday, November 17, 2011

Oy Vay!

I signed a 30-day vegan challenge yesterday, and decided to try a vegan diet. A couple of months ago I decided to become a vegetarian again, and had been reading and playing around with more vegan recipes, so I decided that I would like to try. I really started on Tuesday, but I’m not going to count it because I ate a lunch with cheese and sour cream that day so it wasn’t truly vegan. Yesterday went really easily. I had leftovers of the lasagna rolls that I made –recipe from the Vegan Zombie. It’s awesome!

Now today is another story all together. It’s more challenging. I didn’t have much time for breakfast, so decided to grab a fruit and maple oatmeal at McDonalds, and an orange juice. I thought I was doing really well until I later looked up the ingredients and found that there’s milk in the oatmeal.Where they put it, who the heck knows, but it’s there. Well, no biggie. Now I know. I had a cup of instant miso soup mix that I keep in my desk and had the last leftover lasagna roll for lunch. Then the shakiness started, as it sometimes does when my body decides I haven’t eaten enough.

So I headed to the grocery store cruising for something sweet to stop the low blood sugar shakes. It took me about 20 minutes to find chocolate that didn’t have milk or gelatin in it. I then grabbed some chips and soda. What can I say, I was shaking. Very disappointing that I have no trouble finding chips and soda that’s vegan. Even bacon bits are vegan. But I barely can find chocolate that doesn’t have milkfat, butterfat, gelatin or anything else. Very frustrating.

This is just a learning curve for me. I had never realized just how much stuff has some kind of animal products in them that you would not expect. I’m sure it’ll get easier with practice. I’m just not going to give up or beat myself up for not being 100% strictly vegan. I’m trying, and that’s what counts!