Friday, March 25, 2011

Oy with the blogging and the kvetching

Bad blogger! Bad! Bad! I haven't blogged in, say, almost 2 years. Oops. I'd like to say that not much has happened. Well, there's been a divorce for a marriage that lasted about 5 minutes (not a huge exaggeration at all). He was crazy and didn't disclose this information early on. But hey, fajitas are too technical for him to figure out, so that should have been my first clue...

Then there was a handfasting, and a year later a wedding on Samhain. Everything's wonderful except for the crazy ex wife. Exaggerating again, you say? Well, you haven't met her. Jerry Springer would be seeing dollar signs and ratings increase if he 1) still had a show, and 2) had her on the show. Wow, she's a peach, and so is carving out my heart with a rusty spoon! Why a rusty spoon? Because it would hurt more! (Shameless Robin Hood reference)

Um, what else. We adopted Aurora, and she's sweet but it's been an adjustment period. Also brought home a cat for Zizie. Well, now he's decided that he's MY cat, not Zizie's. I've renamed him the tornado because he streaks around leaving the place a disaster area. The main redeeming quality is when I sit down for tv after Z goes to bed, I have a cuddly black shawl around my neck. A shawl that demands attention, purrs, leaves me with a mouthful of black hair, and gets offended if I shift on the couch.

Ohh, compost worms! I almost forgot! I got a call from my mail lady while I was driving to work this morning asking what I wanted her to do with my worms. Apparently they were wriggling out of the box. They all had been trying to surmise at the post office what in the world I ordered worms for. They guessed to feed a bird. Well, there are 1,000 worms in there. I'd hate to see THAT bird! Nope, they're for composting! What other woman do you know that voluntarily will have worms in the house! Oh goddess, I hope Warrick didn't strew the worms around the house while I was gone! Eeew!

On the plus side, it's Friday! As long as my kitchen isn't wiggling when I get home, life should be good until Sunday evening! Then Monday, oh no, not that 6 letter dirty word!