It's so warm here! I had my window at work open all day last week and I was still stifling hot at my desk. I had my window open and we decided to put on the air conditioning since the outside air is too warm. It seems weird to say "too warm". Like that's a bad thing!!! Plus, I have noticed that my crocuses are up and blossomed. They are always the first thing up every year, and they give me hope.
I opened up the door this weekend and closed the screen door so we could get some fresh air in the house. The kitties were glued to the front door in amazement. It was like a new world had been opened up for them. They spent most of the day by the front door. I don't blame them. I want to be outside too!
Azize and I have been out doing yard work for the last few days, which is nice. I'm clearing the dead plants and leaves, and making room for the new plants to grow again. I'll clear out dead plants one day and look the next day to find that the new plants have grown so much in that one day. Everything is getting so green, and it's making me feel better too.
I've been in the mood to do work around the house. I'm slowly making the house my own, and making it nicer. I want to get rid of some of the useless stuff in my house! I'm tired of all the clutter and not being able to move around very well! I'm slowly getting things done that have been bugging me and depressing me for months. I'm making more time for crafts, and I've been feeling better.
Damn, I'm so glad it's spring!!
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Posted by Gwen at 12:24 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Doodle Head!
When Azize first went to day care, my aunt who ran the day care spelled his name Esses, (who knows why!), but she called him Essie. She would call him Essie Doodle. Over the years, it has turned into various nicknames, including Zizie Doodle, Doodle Head, Doodle Headed Boy, etc. Anyway, here is a super cute pic of him goofing around with his Auntie Leslie while I was getting my tattoo done. He is such a goofy kid!!

Posted by Gwen at 10:49 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
I was looking at the website for one of our local tv stations, and they had historical pictures from their television history. This picture was on the page, and it is Bozo the clown from 1963. Let me tell you, this is the creepiest damn clown I have seen! It reminds me of Michael, my ex boyfriend, who also appreciates the creepiness of clowns. You can check his website out at
Brace yourself...
Brace yourself...
Posted by Gwen at 2:30 PM 0 comments